Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dear Timothy's:

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your recent introduction of the Matcha Sugar-Free Caramel Latte (made with skim milk) - I hope that your decision to offer this beverage for a limited time only is something you will reconsider in the coming month. As I'm sure my readers are aware, I am nothing if not a self-proclaimed sugar freak, so I dearly appreciate your catering directly to me with its surprising level of sweetness, as I recognize that I am a somewhat limited target audience.

I would also particularly like to note how extraordinary a beverage this really is. If one was to rely upon the nutritional information posted on your website, I would be under the impression that while taking wholly into consideration the 150 calories it is claimed to contain, I have also unwittingly consumed an impressive 150 grams of carbohydrates, a surprising 23 grams of protein, and a jaw dropping 28 grams of fibre. The total sum of calories for these components would normally roughly equal 900, but instead, they defy Plato's description of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. For this I thank you.

I shall henceforth consider this wonderful beverage to be a super food, and totally, miraculously worth every one of the extremely valuable 3 points it cost me. I look forward to seeing you again at my very earliest convenience.

Yours in ways you cannot imagine -

Katie V.


Deviated Septum said...

You're hilarious. I miss you.

Some kind of Mom said...

That sounds better than an orgasm.... (maybe?)