Thursday, August 27, 2009


Ok. So you can check me out on the Facebook.

I'm tagged in a few photos. You'll know me because I'm the one grinning like a fool. Let's just say that I waited 20 damn years for that whole "early bloom, early rot" thing, and I may have been a little gloaty to see it finally happen. Heh. (Mrs. Maiden, also on the Facebook, just called me to congratulate me on my late bloom.)

Did you know that the only body part that does not change size from birth is a persons eyes? That's why babies eyes look so large - they'll be exaclty like that all through life.

Looking into eyes that known me since grade 6 - that's a pretty significant thing. They knew me before puberty, before braces - and although we've not been in touch in 20 years (and frankly, thank god for name tags) the affection in the room was palpable. I haven't hurt that much from laughing in a long time.

I learned some lessons: I saw what it was like to have been a mean girl in high school, and then come to the reunion. (It looks pretty lonely, actually.)

I've learned how to live with my head held high despite everything (from the little sister of the only 'out' guy in a really small, really conservative town), how enthusiasm for others is the key to relationships, and what lasting friendship looks like after more than 20 years. (Thanks, Katie! Love you!)

It was amazing.

It was heart breaking to leave. 36 hours was not nearly enough. I didn't get to the beach (it was raining) and I didn't get ice cream.

I don't think I'd choose to live there - there's not that many public service jobs there - but it's my home. And you know what? Husband has agreed that a week in a beach house might just be a perfect family vacation.

How awesome is that???


Some kind of Mom said...

You. Go. Girl. I saw the FB pictures and I thought to myself, wow that smokin' girl is MY friend! :) You worked hard, hold that head up high!!!

Some kind of Mom said...

Oh, and the hubby looked pretty darn smokin' too.