Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Too fast

I clicked them in this morning, into their carseats, and gave them a kiss each. I closed their doors and stood, tears falling helplessly. "Poor wifey," Husband said, "call me as much as you need me."

It was the first morning of day care for MasterP. And I do not want this. I am not ready.

But time marches on, and although I begrudge every day, I can not stop it. So this morning, I wore sunglasses so that the tears wouldn't show, and next week, I will put on a suit, blow my hair out, paint a smile on my face, and drive myself to work.

I know that this too shall pass, and that soon enough, I will be relatively enthusiastic about my files and my work and my colleagues. But right now, all I can see this this. The end to our year.


Run ANC said...

I'm getting very close to this myself (November), and it's eating me up inside.

Some kind of Mom said...

I'm so sorry hon. It really does go by too fast.