Monday, January 26, 2009


I'll do the math for you. The math that hit me about a month ago in the shower. I knew it was coming; I knew it. There I was, not bothering anyone but the unfortunate hair oils that like to call my scalp home, and wham. WHAM!! 2009?!? Hell.

That makes it my 20th high school reunion this year.


To be fair, I went to high school in this fabulous little beach town. Really - go take a peek - I'll be right here.... By way of explanation, that area is the self proclaimed "Blueberry Capital of the World" and has a Blueberry festival in early August. Heavily settled by the Dutch Reform, the area still boasts a very high population of the descendants of the original settlers. Aaaand for those of you wondering where my big, blonde, tanned and handsome imprint came from (mmmmmmmm), well, there's your direct line.

In fact, and this is Husband's FAVOURITE story bar none, when I took Husband - then only Hot Boyfriend - to my 10th year reunion, we had only been dating about 5 months or so. I was showing him the state park dunes just outside of town, when I kid you not, the entire boy's volleyball team ran past me after their beach practice, and I tripped. He's never, never let me forget it.

So anyhow - I'd love the excuse to go back in the summer. I mean, I grew up there, and for lack of a better place, it's one of the places I'd say I was from. I think we're going to plan a trip. It's a nightmare drive from here, and I'm not sure what I'd do with the kids for the evening - it's not like we still have family there, but if I can swing it, I'm in.

Which brings me to the dammit part. DAMMIT!! It's my 20th. These things are competitive. It's already ramping up on the Facebook. Now. Here's the thing. Well, several things. First. Because of the joy of the profile pic, looks like Mrs. Maiden's promise of early bloom/early rot did not completley pan out (bugger), but I might be holding my own. So at least there's that.

Of course for those who voted me 'girl most changed' at the 10th year who are now telling me I haven't changed a bit, uh, whaaa? Nevermind.

Secondly, and here's where I'd really appreciate your input, is the whole Facebook business itself. I'm a stickler, but a general rule for my Facebook usage is that I'm usually friends with the folk that I am friends with. That is to say - if there's not been a hole in my life for the past 20 years, we didn't hang out then, or you've never, never tried to reach me before, I'm generally good. (oh, and here's a little shout-out to my old rez neighbor who was last in contact when he looked me up on my Alma Mater's alumni site and tried to sell me life insurance 15 years ago. No. No. No. Not even for the sake of all of those full-body-boob-grope massages from back in the day. And that would be the same response to your wife. Yes, I remember her. NO, I didn't like her then, either.)

Is that harsh? I don't know. I really don't. To the cheerleader who has recently friended me. I haven't responded because I don't know what to say, other than you could not have picked me out of the crowd in school. (Here's a hint, look for the one carrying the flute in the purple and gold marching band uniform - naka* the man magnet - at the home games.) Seriously. You never spoke to me. I remember you, because you were a cheerleader. I doubt you remember me because of the flute, know what I'm saying? I'm not carrying baggage about it - but why on earth would I want to befriend you on Facebook?

You confuse me. I think you might recognize my name, and, as I have pretty much the same haircut as I did in grade 12, you can see that it's me. But seriously. That doesn't make you my friend. Does it?

Does an impending reunion require that I friend everyone from my graduating class that pops up? How about the dude that sat behind me in Grade 7 history with the awesome nickname that has followed him his entire life (think common term for soosie, or Olie Polie's next-door-neighbor's little brother)? I mean, I remember him..... So do I friend him too?

They'll know I never responded to their requests when I'm at the reunion. How to explain that? Well, seriously, I hardly think they'll talk to me then either.... And then afterwards, will they notice if I delete them?

Should I care?

Should I??


Lara said...

I think people just want a peek into your life and the easiest way to get it is to friend you. They could msg you and if you respond you get access to their profile for awhile (I think) but that would require typing or talking. For me, I have been known to ask for a friend request, get an acceptance, browse their profile never to return again and to eventually delete. I'm not proud of it, but I'm nosy enough to do it anyways :)

Deviated Septum said...

First of all, you are hilarious, second, you do what you want! I have definitely friended people that I could barely remember, and why? I don't really know. But I have also rejected some requests as well, like an exboyfriend who I definitely don't care to know what's going on with.
I think if you feel it might make things weird when you see them, friend them and then delete them after the fact. I do think though that it will make for a much better story if you don't friend them and then see how they treat you at the party. But that's just me!

Some kind of Mom said...

OMG South Haven Pie Eating Contest! You NEED to go! ;)

I've shamelessly used the excuse that I turned off my email notifications so I missed the friend request. I have also sent a message instead of accepting a friend, which gives them 30 days access to your profile, but then they are gone.

I keep thinking that HS was only 10 years ago... it's only been TEN years, right?

And girlfriend, you are one hottie with nothing to worry about! I say go, and bring one of your nieces/nephews with you for a built in babysitter.