Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More conversations with Mrs. Maiden

You know, I thought she got it. I did.

I was telling her, early on, of the differences in culture between program and policy.

And then? At Christmas, she told me how she was looking for elegant things for me to wear to my new executive position.

'It's really not executive, mom', I said 'It's actually farther, kind-of. I'm no body's boss anymore...'

'Oh,' she said, 'I know that - but it's dressier, you said?' 'right.' I said, thinking of them, 'yeah. that's right.'

So then I received the package. There's a lovely bracelet, to blind them, and a shirt which had been described to me as 'terribly elegant'. Well. Uh. Um, I'm trying to think of how to work it in. It's 'washable suede'. Not a fabric I see that often here. So anyhow, thanks, Mom, really. Thanks. I really, really appreciate it.

But the real clarity on the lack of clarity? Oh, that happened Monday, when we had the following exchange. 'Is your office the type of place you could wear a really fancy Valentine's Day vest?' 'nnnnoooooooooooo.' 'oh. Because I found two (!) at the St. Vincent de Paul and bought them both.'

Now. I must admit that in the 13 seconds it took me to finish that word, I also thought of suggesting that Mindy Dallas, being a teacher like she is, would most certainly appreciate a gift such as that.

Just me. Payin' it forward....


Lara said...

ha ha ha. i think you should wear the vest. c'mon :)

Anonymous said...

Love you. Love your mom. Together, awesomeness.

Sorry I missed my birthday shout-out. What a loser I am. Thank you so much. :)

Some kind of Mom said...

Could the valentines vest be worn on top of, let's say, a sexy pair of black undies? Or would that just be too much of a cruel, cruel joke.

Deviated Septum said...

Up with Valentine's vests!!

Molli Joe said...

You should totally wear it! I won't laugh or make fun of you ... well maybe a little ;)