Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pin-up Girls

The problem, I guess, about being someone's fantasy is that generally, people don't tell you.

Oh sure, there's that guy with the googly eyes, and well, that guy, and sure, that homeless fellow too, but note that I said generally.

See, I'm thinking of how much better a girl could feel just wandering down the street knowing that somewhere, somehow, she was being thought of in shall we say, a colourful nature. Now, I'm not suggesting anything narsty - lick my boot style love - but just that you, indeed, you, are the rocker of several boats. Not necessarily the ones legally bound to you by promises, convention, and metal.

Wouldn't that be cool?

My darling girl Katie B has been my friend for over 20 years. Twenty years of up and down and way over there and way over here and school and babies and weddings and not weddings and work and no work and everything in between. Katie B and I have always been of a similar cookie mold, except for some intangible things I've never been party to. Katie B was confident in school, and, some might say, flirty. She was, it was widely known, the rocker of many boats. Not actually, mind you, but she walked in that knowledge. That there were many at the high school who carried a torch for Katie B.

Apparently, years later, judging from their reactions on Facebook, she is still regarded with boat rocking and burning things. Now Katie, you've been my friend for over 20 years, and I'm so appreciative of our relationship over that time. I really, really am - it means a lot to me, so I'm going to tell you that I only bear you a modicum of ill-feeling for this. It is not your fault, and I still love you.

But what is it? What is that intangible thing? Katie rocks. She does. She's almost exactly 9 months older than me, she's an electrical engineer doing research and development on hybrid cars, and while doing this, she got her MBA at night. She married a really nice guy, had a super-cute boy, and is a step-mom to two pretty good looking teenagers. (Must note for accuracy that one is now in his 20s.) All this, and she still has those dancing brown eyes and sleek dark hair from high school.

Meanwhile, I am bitingly funny - I am! It's true! I rock the pencil skirt, I've got a master's degree and two kids - both of them made at the same time I was working, please note - ok, it's not engineering, but it's Public Policy, and while I don't do research and development on cars and machines, it turns out I'm really organized and do a pretty good job managing Government finance and planning.....

Oh, nevermind.


Deviated Septum said...

You could rock boats all over the place if you wanted to.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion - you were a little late blooming in High School - but ever since then you defiantly rock girl. Oh - and don’t think I haven’t been a bit jealous of you in the past or even at times now! Katie B.