Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ch ch ch changes

So you know that picture of Snoopy?

The one where he's wailing, with his head back and mouth wide open, and tears showering all around him?

That's what I look like, only without the floppy ears and generally more blotchy. Ok, and maybe better hair, because I got it cut yesterday to make myself feel better.

What has brought this on?

A space becoming available at MlleL's care provider. Care Provider B, to be exact, a space that fits, exactly, the dimensions of one very busy two-year old boy. A two-year old who wants very badly, very badly indeed to be with his big sister. Who despite the fact that he's not terribly verbal, has enough words to make that abundantly clear.

So we won't have to negotiate the two drop off points and two pick up points much longer. We won't have to worry about coordinating coverage for two different care providers' scheduled (or unscheduled) holidays and doctor's appointments, but we are leaving our beloved behind.

And it's like breaking up with someone you still love because you know in the long run, it's better for everyone. It's just like that. Someone you've been with for almost four years. And it sucks.

All of it. Every last bit of it. Right down to my toes, it sucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

two drop pffs is very hard, i know because we do it to. I'm sure P will be thrilled to be with L
