Monday, December 14, 2009

Sad for us all

There are several truths about me. One is the fact that a bra is generally one of the first things I put on. Always. Ok, well, pretty much always.

This past weekend, just after I had showered before heading out to Brother In Law's 40th birthday party, and in the midst of dressing myself, not yet successful in the search for clean supportive garments, I was accosted by the outfit sported by MlleL.

"Wow", I said. "Goodness... That's......" Well, it was polka dots. That's what it was. Leggings and a tunic, all in different dots. "Let me see what I can do to find some other leggings."

"They're all in the wash." She said, "These are the ones I could find."

"Uhh," I said, as I dug around looking in the laundry (clean) basket. "How about.... Well.... I see what you mean."

"Mama," she said, clearly distracted and gesticulating towards my naked torso "why do they look so, um, soft? They look like they're lying down and taking a nap."

Right. Aaaand, back to the hunt for a bra.


Some kind of Mom said...


janey_emm said...

With your power comes great responsibility, my friend. Keep those puppies on a leash! ;)


Natalie @Nat_Rea said...

Oh my goodness.. I'm 37 too, and let me just say "I hear you!" -- I always tell my friends I would rather go without makeup in public, than to go braless!

Thanks for the laugh :)
Natalie @YMCbuzz

Anonymous said...

I did read this back in December when you posted it... and then read it again after reading your most recent post - where you pointed out that you blog about your boobs a lot.

I'm not 37 yet, and have not had any babies yet, and I can say with absolute candour that I would not leave the house without a bra on... ever.