Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What a day.

Last night, MasterP did not wake for milk. Instead, I woke at 3:30, and couldn't get back to sleep. (n.b. - I do think that this is terribly, terribly unfair.) I had had this amazing but concerning dream - this doula/babysitter had come to see us, and announced that she only had a two week period to get MasterP sleeping through the night, which apparently was being done by feeding me huge amounts of fabulous hippy food. Starting with a big, big bowl of seaweed salad.

Yum. (no seriously, it was just like the one you get at sushi restaurants. mmmmmmmm)

But seaweed? THAT'S what my subconscious would like me to be eating?

Well, ok, I guess, if it'll help MasterP sleep, I'm in!!

In other news? I really do have the gravitational pull of a black hole. Just ask the second person in as many months to drive into me. I was actually driving this time, on a road as opposed to a parking lot, in my rental car, as my car is currently still in the shop from where the first person drove into me. Again, gentle readers, do not fear. I am fine, and MasterP (as last time) did not even wake up.

But seriously. What is the universe trying to teach me here?


A. Nonny Mouse said...

Ugh! 2 accidents in 2 months?! That stinks! I've been there: I was rear-ended TWICE exactly three weeks apart in THE SAME INTERSECTION. Needless to say*, it took me years to be able to go through that intersection without nearly breaking my neck for all the rear-view mirror checking I was doing.

*Whenever I write that phrase, I always think "If it's needless to say, why are you saying it?" and the answer is always: because I want to.

I hope that future drivers can overcome your gravitational pull. No more accidents! :)

Some kind of Mom said...

Perhaps you need your own personal chauffeur.