Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I'm exhausted.

In a way that's hard to explain, the depths of the exhaustion. So much so that today's parking ticket almost made me cry, right there on the sidewalk beside yet another unsuccessfully plugged meter. But hopefully, the teeth will come soon, and transit strike will end, Christmas will be celebrated, the First Ministers' Meeting will happen in January, they'll think I'm doing a good job at the new work, and we'll all sleep better for it.

And also? Just a few lessons from a recent Friday night out.

First: Late night shopping without kids IS as fun as you remember it was. Especially if you're with a girlfriend.

Second: While shopping wearing the pink sock monkey jammies your mom bought you at Target for the three-generations-in-sock-monkey-jammies photo op, it's much easier to feel sane if you don't look down.

and finally:

If you are a teenage member of the 'style squad' - St. Laurent Centre, I'm looking at you - and you're tempted to treat adults wearing sock monkey jammies like crap, please remember that there's a much greater chance that adults will write to your boss to complain about your behaviour. Just sayin'.

1 comment:

Publius said...

See, I get the "oh my god, can you believe what she's wearing" look from my uber-wealthy students everyday (since I buy my clothes primarily from Target and just don't give a rat's ass about them). But my control of their grades and, ergo, their futures, tends to keep them in check.

Don't you want to stop and say to the little monsters, "You know, some day you'll have much, much more important things to worry about than other people's pants --or even your *own* pants -- and that's when you will have what experts call "a life.""

Hope the shopping trip was productive. And I like sock monkeys.