Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thanks..... I think

Last time I came back to work after MlleL, I had the following conversation:

"You know, you're doing pretty good after the baby. I mean, some women, after they have kids, they turn into a f***ing nightmare, you know what I mean?"

"Um yes. Thanks. I mean, I should get a t-shirt with that on it, right? Katie Valentine, no f***ing nightmare!"

This time, it was boss lady:

"You know, I really do have to say again that you look in amazing shape. I mean, a lot of times, after women have babies, you know (gesticulating widely at her hips) but not you!"

"WOW. I mean, thanks. Well, I really can't afford all new work clothes, so it was pretty much my only choice"

Saturday, October 25, 2008

More conundrums

ok. So second:

The chiropractor. Some may know of him; I refer others to him frequently with the same description "I have this really good, super hot and flirty chiropractor. You should go."

In fact, dear reader, YOU should go.

The return to work last week made me notice a general stiffness, and I figured it was high time for a tune up. So on Friday, off I went, only to find that the SHC was out of the office. In his place was the older owner of the practice. Well, fine, I thought. Can't hurt, I guess....

He used a massage thumpy thing. (That made me laugh really hard.) And then, after I had regained a little dignity? An actual neck massage with massage oil.

So the choice is: Super Hot or Massage??

Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh Dear.

So I have a few conundrums to solve.

First. Truth telling.

Mrs. Maiden's Mum is from the Ottawa area. She, in fact, was most likely born in a little house in Westboro. Grandma's best friend is thus from around the area too. In fact, she lives in Kingston, and because we have met, and she is kind and a good friend of the family, I have included her on the family Valentine Christmas card list. And she would occasionally call and we would catch up and promise a visit. Which never happened.

When MasterP was quite young, I'll bet several months old, Mrs. M called. That was not unusual. The problem was is that she explained how much she was missing her good friends, my grandparents. Oh, I said. Yes. I understand perfectly. I do. I miss them too, really.

How are they? she asked, point blank. Well, I said, (stalling for time, and shocked, because truthfully, Grandma died in 1990, and my grandfather in 2004 - the summer I was pregnant with MlleL.) Uh, well, I said, deciding in that instant that it really couldn't hurt to let her keep them alive in her memory, they're doing fine. Oh? she said, Where are they now; I seem to have lost their address? In Quebec, still, I said. Doing very well. Do you have their number handy, she asked? Oh, I said, well, it's just that with the baby and all I don't really know where my address book is at the moment......

That's ok, dear, she said, I'll call back.

But she didn't. And I felt awful. I mean. How do you tell someone their best friend died almost 20 years ago? Even worse, how do you chicken out and tell her that they're alive and well and still living in their retirement home in Quebec???

As it happens, telling the truth as an option goes something like this. Several nights ago, she called again, this time, asking for Lil. I asked who was calling, as I had a feeling I knew. A friend of hers, she explained, Lil was going to pick me up in the morning for a meeting and I needed to cancel because I think I'm coming down with a cold.

I explained who I was several times, and she was understandably confused. But why do I have Lil written down here? And who are Mr. and Mrs. Maiden? Those are my parents. I'm so sorry to tell you, my dear, that Lil died some time ago. Oh, she said, was it fast? I'm sorry, but no it wasn't, really.


That didn't feel any better. Next time, I think I am just going to promise to pass the message on. Next time, I think I might just pretend to be Lil. We resemble each other very much, she and I - could it be that bad???

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm baaaaack....


Yep - I am. Back in the office.

Asking myself: What on earth is my password???? Where does this come out of a printer? No. Seriously. Where does this print?? Why don't the printers have the same numbers as the choices offered to me in my menu?

How do you work a Blackberry again? Thumbs? Do you remember? (Turns out yes. THANKS, thumbs!)


MasterP is good. He's doing great, in fact. No tears. Never any tears at drop off (from him). Now, if only the transition went as smoothly for all of the family members Valentine.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wait for it....

This morning, as I drove through the Glebe, a lady in front of me, tired of waiting for a clearing in traffic to make a left hand turn (which, by the way, was approaching in like, 5 cars), simply drove directly through the oncoming cars. Which, upon seeing her rapid advance, slowed to allow her to pass.

I was amazed at her audacity. And, as it happened, we ended up next to each other at a stoplight. She was an older lady - in her 50s, I'd guess, but well kept.

As we waited for the light to turn, she loosened her hair from its pinning, and shook it out; it splayed out rather erratically, but I think she liked what she saw as she admired herself in her rearview mirror, because she pursed her mouth and blew herself a kiss.

And there she was. Right next to me.

Snaggle haired and crazy faced.

last time

Coming back from a meeting yesterday morning, I realized I had run my last run with the strollercize moms. I felt that regret that I always do upon realizing that the last time has already past without me noticing. I should have paid better attention while it was happening, but I thought that there would be more time. I always think there will be more time than there is.

And so I went anyhow. Knowing that I would catch them at the end of the run before the ab workout. I stood by the car in my suit, watching my friends come up the hill - and it was like I was waving goodbye from a moving train - pulling away, the gap widening, widening...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Too fast

I clicked them in this morning, into their carseats, and gave them a kiss each. I closed their doors and stood, tears falling helplessly. "Poor wifey," Husband said, "call me as much as you need me."

It was the first morning of day care for MasterP. And I do not want this. I am not ready.

But time marches on, and although I begrudge every day, I can not stop it. So this morning, I wore sunglasses so that the tears wouldn't show, and next week, I will put on a suit, blow my hair out, paint a smile on my face, and drive myself to work.

I know that this too shall pass, and that soon enough, I will be relatively enthusiastic about my files and my work and my colleagues. But right now, all I can see this this. The end to our year.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Shameless self promotion

I see you have a minor in Journalism, he said to me yesterday, do you consider yourself to be a good writer?

Well, I said, That was some time ago (like 1993), but I do like to think that I am a strong writer....

Do you write outside of work, he asked?

Actually, I said, I do. I have a blog' that I keep.

Do you have a lot of visits, she asked?

Well, I said, it's rather new. Not a lot of people know about it, but I do have some folk who aren't my direct friends and family who sometimes read....... (right?) And I think that must be a measure of success. (right?)

Hmm, they nodded.

Apparently, this had been the right thing to say.

But it brings me to a second thought. I must learn the art of shameless self promotion.

Program, I can promote you. Not-so-secret life? Sorry about that. We need a comms plan.

Something more than Facebook....

Monday, October 6, 2008

Shout outs

There is something very intimate about the relationship one has with workout partners. In a lot of ways, more so than other friendships.

It's the physical knowledge of the other, I think, their strengths and weaknesses, their potential and their limitations, their hatred of the hill, their secret love of the speed song in step class, and what makes them sound like the END IS NEAR (nb - please see previous item in list). There is an amazing trust in that partnership - of reliance, inspiration, and endurance.

So to my girls, Janey, Miss K, and Wondermom.

Thanks, you guys.

You rock.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How marketing works

Said to me last night as we were hanging out on the couch between bedtimes:

"I wish that man could come and help you clean the house."

"What man? Mr. Clean?"

"uh huh. I wish he could come and clean the house."

"Me toooooooooo!"