Thursday, October 16, 2008

last time

Coming back from a meeting yesterday morning, I realized I had run my last run with the strollercize moms. I felt that regret that I always do upon realizing that the last time has already past without me noticing. I should have paid better attention while it was happening, but I thought that there would be more time. I always think there will be more time than there is.

And so I went anyhow. Knowing that I would catch them at the end of the run before the ab workout. I stood by the car in my suit, watching my friends come up the hill - and it was like I was waving goodbye from a moving train - pulling away, the gap widening, widening...

1 comment:

Run ANC said...

Oh that's sad. I'm very close to my last FitMom class and now I'm going to get all misty..