Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Belated St. Jean the Baptiste Day!!

Oh, happy day! In traditional form, Janey and I celebrated (possibly for the last time, as a result of her recent announcement. Dang. ) the man of hair shirts, bugs and honey, and, most importantly, baptisms.

How, you might ask? Ah. Well. By the traditional baptism of feet in scented water and subsequent painting of toes, of course. Oh, didn't you know? Yeah, I'm pretty sure the Holy Father would decree this a suitable method for marking such a significant day. I mean, feet washing, right? That's holy - Mary Magdelene did it for Jesus.....

Hee. I dropped MasterP at the caregiver's for a trial run, and ran! I got to see Janey's new place, and all of it's fabulousness (and there's quite a bit, let me tell you!), almost got to drink some tea there, plugged the wrong parking meter, got a pedicure, and a parking ticket!!

I mean, what else could have made this more perfect?

Honestly. St. Jean really knew what it was about, supporting a holiday no-one else got. It's like someone shouted ollie-ollie-in-free! You get a whole day on your own to do what you want. Kids at day-care, spouses (if they work in Ontario) at work.

Remind me I said this next year when I'm complaining that I had to work Civic Holiday Weekend again, ok?

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