Sunday, June 29, 2008

la la la, Afternoon....

Egad. And also? Oh, god!

A public service announcement for parents with small children. (and to be honest - Mr. and Mrs. Maiden I'm looking at you here -this would also apply to parents with kids in their twenties as well. Am I right, LittleSister?)

Think of a plan. If you know me, you know I'm an advocate of planning. Because, as I've said before, you might not follow the plan, but at least you've thought the situation through. At least you have that.

Because if not? You do what we did.

Saturday, I went to visit the salon for a way, way overdue visit to the lady. So now I can wear shorts, if you get my drift. This new state of affairs must have been inspiring, because as we put the kids down for their afternoon nap, Husband made an unusual suggestion, to which I thought "why not?" Why not, indeed.

So as we were, ummm, in flagrante delicto on a blanket on the family room floor (as MasterP is currently occupying our bedroom) I looked up to see MlleL standing in the room. Trying to play cool and flip the blanket over Husband at the same time, I said "uh, hi, sweetie!" and she said:

"What are you doing?"

Giggling uncontrollably, Husband blurted out "We're wrestling!", to which I added helpfully "it's funnier if you don't have your clothes on."

Ah, yes. The highly probably humorous naked wrestling explanation.

Please let this be a lesson to you. A) make sure your kids are asleep before coitus, and B) think of something less desperate to say for when the situation undoubtedly will occur to you.


Anonymous said...

I am so, so glad you have a blog.

Once again, I am moved to say: God bless the internet!

Lara said...

so has she asked to naked wrestle since it's so much fun? ;)


Some kind of Mom said...

Oh gawd. At least she'll likely not remember it... unlike your sister! ;)