Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why I buy Canadian

Well, because at heart, I'm a little bit lazy and impatient.

I could buy from elsewhere, but see, I don't like to drive over the border much - let alone with a yelling MasterP in the back seat. As well, I like to have my stuff here sooner rather than later. And I don't like to pay exorbitant duty and shipping. And frankly, Target won't ship to me here, so I'm sorta forced to in that regard.

So if I can, I do. I'm just hoping that Ann Taylor will decide to move here too. I think she'd like it. We're nice, and have a lot to offer as a kinder, gentler society than them south of us.

You know, except for Target and Ann Taylor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See, if anyone's equipped to drive over the border, I would have to imagine that it would be you.

I still think that we should pay Ms. Taylor a little visit. We are important business ladies with extensive suiting needs!

(Also, I like American candy. Target, that's where you come in.)