Thursday, July 10, 2008


MasterP is the proud owner of a new tooth. Which is a big event in the Valentine household - this one has been a looooooooooooooooooooong time coming.

What is also concerning is that at the same time as the tooth - maybe as a result of the tooth? Came the fever (which is par for the course, but this was higher than expected) and the middle of the night vomiting (not so much expected). Gah.

So what's a girl to do after a night like that but go shopping? I gave MasterP the Advil, got whatever breakfast I could into him, put him in his car seat to grab whatever car nap he could, and headed out with Janey for a fabulous and, might I add successful if not a bit whiny, mid-week shopping trip for the christening dress. (Mine, not his, to be worn at HIS christening, not mine.)

How does one celebrate this achievement?

By the Bucks' of course. Where I ordered my signature decaf, soy, sugar-free cinnamon dolce latte. (forgive me. It's a breastfeeding thing with the decaf, a milkish thing with the soy, and a basic love of all sugar-free syrups.) I was standing at the counter with the rest of the patrons when the barristra called it, and the guy next to me snorted. He snorted!! at my drink!!!

I glanced over at him with what must have been my mom look, because he looked instantly mollified, said 'sorry', and resolutely ignored my glance for the rest of our visit - but I must admit to feeling just the littlest bit deflated.

What would you have done?


Anonymous said...

He WHAT? I had no idea. Frankly, I'dve pounded him.

He was probably one of those guys who refuses to use the drink names and just smugly orders a "large, regular coffee." Jerks.

Run ANC said...

Hi - new reader. A friend recommended your blog.

Do you find that caffeine really affects the baby? I drank coffee all through my first breastfeeding stint, and am still drinking it now with Baby #2.

The kids just run around screaming and climbing walls all day. I can't figure out why. ;-)

Katie Valentine said...

Well, MlleL was a really bad sleeper, and I ate and drank whatever - not buying into the whole diet related to breast milk thing.

When MasterP came, I definitely noticed differences when I ate stuff. And he's a much, much better sleeper. So, it's a price I'm willing to pay, I guess....

But that doesn't mean that as soon as I'm done, I'm eating so much Chinese food that I burst. (He's got a problem with MSG as well.)