Sunday, July 6, 2008

What we talked about doing...

yesterday was the Teddy Bear Picnic at the Governor General's. What we ended up doing was putting the kids down for their nap (out of the gutter - we're done with that!) donning our work clothes, safety glasses, and rubber gloves and stripping the deck. (or the duck, as MlleL calls it.)

It needed done, but the rapidly approaching MasterP's christening is apparently creating great impetus for home repair. That, and the sun - it seems like forever since we've had full sunny weekend days.

Today's list holds: morning mass as a practice run for the aforementioned christening (note to self: Dammit is not the appropriate thing to say when hearing there's a visiting priest and realizing that the practice run is in vain; that we are no closer to being able to recognize Father or know how he does baptisms than we were at 9:30 this morning), further prep of the duck, and painting the front door.

Finally, the purple will be gone!!! (Be warned, those of you who use this as a marker to tell which house is ours!)

1 comment:

Some kind of Mom said...

Sigh... but it truly was such a lovely shade of purple.