Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I've got no funny things to say today.

Instead, I will offer a description of last night for your enjoyment. (or not.)

7:30 PM - After very successful dinner out due to Husband's absence on another motorcycle buying mission, I put a very, very sleepy MasterP down for the night.

10:30 PM - MasterP has woken himself up by trying to crawl into the corner of the crib. I'm able to reposition him in sleeping mode, and he goes back to sleep.

11:30 PM - repeat above.

1:30 AM - Having done the same, MasterP is angry because I have taken longer to get to him. (Probably because I was dead asleep.)

1:40 AM - MasterP will not succumb to my back rubbing and lullaby singing.

1:50 AM - He is still very tired, but still no sleep, and yells when I try to leave him to return to my own bed. I give in and nurse him (he is not hungry, but maybe I can sleep soon?)

2:00 AM - MasterP is back in bed and so am I.

3:30 AM - MasterP awakens again. I am able to reposition him and return to bed quickly.

3:34 AM - Husband comes to bed having returned from mission, installed new cycle in basement (so very recently vacated by the First Wife), and settled down from 12+ hour drive and countless, countless coffees.

4:30 AM - MasterP awakens. Yeah, doing what you think he might have been. At the end of my patience, I pat him, and sing to him, and kiss him, and return to bed despite the protest screaming. (It must be explained here, that as mentioned previously, MasterP shares our bedroom.)

4:35 AM - still screaming. Only now that he is a little more mobile, he is standing on his knees to watch us while he screams. I advise unmoving but clearly awake Husband that he should probably go sleep on the couch. Husband continues inactivity.

4:45 AM - more of same, but I think MasterP is tiring.

5:00 AM - Husband gives up and carries screaming boy downstairs to watch 'In the Night Garden' and sleep together on the couch.

7:10 AM - MlleL appears at the bedside to say "Mama - time to get up."

Blessedly, Mrs. Maiden is still in town, and entertained MasterP so that I could get a few more hours of sleep this morning.

Today, I bought chamomile (for him) and lowered the mattress in the crib (for all of us).

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