Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Why the long wait between posts? Well, my dears, it's been tax week. Spend $40 for a few years in a row, and all of a sudden you're a tax expert. Or gifted in filling in computer forms. Or something.

After doing the family Valentine's, I've also spent the last few days doing the family Maiden's. Well, first I wore the hair shirt of guilt for procrastinating. And then I entered all the info I had and called Mum, where we talked about the details of what else I should put in there. Oh, you know, all the great international wealth we have south of the border. Snort.

In any event, I'm hoping that CRA has the same tough signing standards as HRSDC, and they'll accept the sig of "Katie Valentine for Mr. and Mrs. Maiden". Well, they'll have to accept someone's signature for Mr. Maiden, as unfortunately, that's all they're gonna get. Mr. Maiden's signature would be pretty creepy by now.

The real reason for the delay? I'm sad. I miss him, and I just signed my dead father's tax return. Mum was right. It is the financial paperwork that's the hardest.

1 comment:

Some kind of Mom said...

You do it all babe! Just add 'tax expert' to the ever growing list of your multiple talents and abilities... did you add it to your c.v?

BTW - I wish you could have ghost written my last blog post for me!