Sunday, April 13, 2008

oh my God, oh my God!

So Thursday was weigh-in. I'm officially .5 lbs from pre-MasterP. That's not to say pre-MlleL - I've still got some Janey/Directrice weight to go, and then a little more MlleL weight for that.

Wait a sec, you might say, how did Janey make me gain weight? Well, let me tell you. When I first came back to work after MlleL, Janey locked me in a room with 8 other folk for six weeks. She did. She pushed me right in there, put paper on the windows so we couldn't see out and locked the door. It was a little like big brother, only we took notes instead of having cameras.

Now. The schedule of this project was such that relying on public transit was no longer a real option for me. And so, we bought the humble car, and I started to drive. Thus, my daily sprint down the park-and-ride to the OTrain and subsequent 30 minute round trip hike to the number 8 was ended.

(Don't worry, Janey, there's a happy ending.) Driving allowed for creation of one of my very favorite ways to have spent time: the dirtiest carpool in the world, which I'm happy to say, was well worth the extra 7 lbs.

This morning as we were getting ready for a trip to Cora's, and I was eying my choices of trouser (ie, which poorly fitting, sorta used looking piece of clothing shall I wear with husband's belt?) my poor subconscious suggested my pre-MasterP jeans - I mean, it justified, we could wear them until we were 10 weeks pregnant, they might.......

Oh My God!!!

They did.



Anonymous said...

Hey, I might have locked y'all in the room, but I can't be held responsible for Shawarma Wednesdays. That was entirely the crazy room's doing.

I, on the other hand, probably lost 7 pounds climbing up and down the stairs to check on the levels in the room. Does that help? No?


Well, I'm still a rectangle.

Anonymous said...

And also?

YAY. :)

Katie Valentine said...

Hee. Well, it's not entirely your fault. There was also the unfortunate need to cram anger and frustration down and hold it there with some peanut butter cookies from Treats that really did me in.