Sunday, April 20, 2008

The siren's call

It's been such beautiful weather for the past week that MasterP, the BabyBjorn, and I have been taking an afternoon walk most days. It's under the hazy guise of errands, but really, it's an excuse to walk in the sun with my boy in easy kissing range.

On Friday, P and I walked over to Blockbuster and the Farm Boy on Bank, cutting back up Randall for a little variety. (Our usual route to anything is down Kilborn past the diocese, and out onto Bank.) Our route took us past the Alta Vista Elementary School at 3:30 on one of the first really warm Friday afternoons of spring.

Arriving from all around were the parents to pick up their one of a crowd of playing kids - the mums with their sleek ponytails and casual clothes speaking of stay-at-homeness, sitting on the benches around the playground watching their younger kids and waiting for their older ones. Standing in friendly groups on the sidewalk, each of them said hello to me as we passed, and most of them knew each other's names, including the obvious care providers.

I know I am blessed to have won the Cash-for-Life public servant lottery. I know that. But on days like that, with my baby's head lolling against me in nap, I feel like crap and I am jealous of the lottery I did not win, because I will never get to know these other mums, and my kids will never know the security of getting out of school to find me waiting for them. Instead, I will always be rushed, picking them up from the daycare pen an hour and a half after school has ended and whirling home to try to fix us all food before it's bedtime.

1 comment:

Some kind of Mom said...

Is working part time an option?

And... I'm HOME!!! I don't always have a car, but if you and MasterP want to walk the streets of suburbia, I'm all yours.