Wednesday, May 28, 2008


What a terrific day. It was the day all things went right.

Could this mean that MasterP will sleep through the night? Just asking.

I'm glad it was such a good day, as yesterday? Not so much. (This next bit is especially for Vicky. Janey? Look away. MasterP and I have been having problems with the left boob in particular, and yesterday, after finishing a nurse, he looked up at me with a smear of blood across his cheek. Not from biting.) Enough said there. Shudder, and yes, ow.

But today????

Today went like this. MasterP wouldn't take his usual lengthy morning nap (I suspect the cat woke him up jumping in his crib.) so I got him ready and headed out for a weigh-in, which I have been missing due to Thursday morning music programming.

At the WW, confirmation was made of the 21 lb loss over the past four months or so. YAAAY!!

And then? As I drove over to the produce place, I heard about SEPHORA OPENING IN OTTAWA ON FRIDAY!!! Man. It's better than the Lulu warehouse sale.

And then? The produce place, noting my difficulty with bags of produce and child in carseat, had staff carry my bags to my car for me. Very old school, and sooooo appreciated!

So then, all happy from all of that, I went to buy me my favorite latte at the Bucks' with my mother's day gift card, when their new policy of discounts for card holders was explained to me, and I watched as the cost of my latte went from 5 something to 3.64. Haaaaaaa!

And then???? I got home, and Mrs. Maiden called to tell me that CRA reconsidered their taxes, and are allowing them to claim Canadian residency last year (as opposed to the money grubbing folk over at Service Canada who are requiring Mrs. Maiden to repay some of her and Mr. Maiden's OAS from last year - due to the fact Mr. Maiden was busy dying and couldn't come home.) so that the 5K or so of taxes we thought she would have to pay are going to be much, much reduced.


That? That was some good juju.

1 comment:

Some kind of Mom said...

I hope you stopped to buy a lottery ticket yesterday too!

My boobs are cringing for you. And Sephora?? How awesome!! I wonder if they carry Benefit cosmetics.