Sunday, July 6, 2008

Best. Question. Ever.


Just a quickie.

Those of you who know me have heard the sordid tale of how Husband and I came home from work several years ago to find Mr. EasternEuropeanNextDoorNeighbor up our tree with a chain saw and liquor on his breath. I'm not sure if I've explained that the main reason, as far as I can tell, is so that Mrs. EENDN can continue her sunbathing (sometimes topless) late into the afternoon sun (which our tree was blocking). Now. To give you the appropriate image, I must unkindly explain that Mr. and Mrs. EENDN have two grown sons in their 20s.

Just now, as MlleL, MasterP and I were outside playing with one of the coolest toys ever, grace a Miss Vicky, Mrs. EENDN came out bikinied and ready for some bathing.

MlleL, ever ready to make conversation, looked at her in all her glory and said:

"Why you don't have your clothes on?"


1 comment:

Some kind of Mom said...

I bet she was wishing for those tree branches for a little privacy right about then! You go L!!